Add Dag RPM Repository
# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/Dag.repo
name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Install & configure monit
# yum install monit
# vi /etc/monit.conf
set daemon 120
set logfile syslog facility log_daemon
set idfile /var/monit/id
set statefile /var/monit/state
set mailserver localhost
set alert
set httpd port 80 and
use address localhost
allow localhost
check process apache with pidfile /usr/local/apache/logs/
start program = "/etc/init.d/httpd start" with timeout 60 seconds
stop program = "/etc/init.d/httpd stop"
if cpu > 60% for 2 cycles then alert
if cpu > 80% for 5 cycles then restart
if totalmem > 200.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart
if children > 250 then restart
if loadavg(5min)greater than 10 for 8 cycles then stop
start monit
# service monit start
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